Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes

Do you have a poorly performing dishwasher? Our appliance engineers offer repairs at low prices and are here to offer advice along the way.

Have you ever been in a situation where you entered a feud with your loved ones as to who would be washing dishes after dinner? Most of us have been in that precarious situation. But those of us who are blessed with a dishwasher never have to fight with the people we love over petty issues such as washing dishes.

However, all of this change and the war of the dishes can erupt again if your dishwasher suddenly stops working normally. Now, this can happen due to many reasons, but the most likely of them is a spray arm that has malfunctioned. Dishwashers use spray arms to throw warm soapy water at high pressure in order to clean your dirty utensils.

How to get the most from your dishwasher

Most dishwashers contain two spray arms; one is located underneath the bottom tray, while the other one is situated below the upper tray. With the passage of time, they become ineffective at cleaning dishes because undesirable particles like dust, grime, muck, grease, oil, and food clog their holes. Before you think about buying a new dishwasher, follow these tips to ensure they resume functioning as they did before.

1. Remove a few dishes

Dishwashers will not work effectively if they are overloaded with way too many dishes and utensils. Furthermore, the spray arms won’t shoot out the water properly in such cases. Hence, you have to make sure that there aren’t too many dishes in the machine. And another thing: always rinse the dishes before putting them in.

2. Maintain the spray arms

The spray arms are mechanical and thus, need regular cleaning and maintenance. With regular use, they collect dirt, grease, and food particles reducing their efficacy. To clean them, remove the upper and lower tray and then extract the spray arms.

3. Clean the spray tower

Many models of dishwashers have spray arms that are connected to a spray tower and if you have one, you need to clean it as well because dust, grease, and dirt can easily accumulate on the tower. Access the spray tower and hold it in your hands; try pulling it back and if it returns to its original position, the tower is clean. If it does not, it is blocked and hence will need a thorough clean.

4. Examine the hose connections

The spray arms don’t magically shoot out jets of water; they do so through plastic hoses which supply them with water. Sometimes, these hoses become loose or start leaking and as a result, the water does not reach the spray arms properly. Ensure that their connections are tight and rigid. If there’s a leak, the hose will need replacement.

5.Check the filter and pump

Dishwashers contain a pump and filter; before the water enters the spray arms, it passes through the filter first. If this filter is choked, the flow of the water will reduce drastically. Therefore, clean the filter and clear it of any debris. Also, inspect the pump which might have become faulty. If it has, the motor might need repairing or replacement.

Fast reliable dishwasher repairs 

If your dishwasher still isn't cleaning your dishes you may need experts help. Go Assist is here to help, for high-quality dishwasher repairs rely on Go Assist.


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