How To Clean Your Kitchen Appliances

Are your kitchen appliances dirty? Our experts are here to advise you on how to clean your kitchen appliances. 

Cleaning your kitchen appliances is just as vital as cleaning your home. The grime, dirt, and the spilt food particles not only look ugly but can also impact the performance of an appliance. Cleaning an appliance goes way beyond just picking up an old rag and wiping the metal casing off sticky fingerprints; hence, this article serves as a brief guide to help you clean your large kitchen appliances. This can help you to save the costs associated with expensive appliance repairs.

Cleaning your kitchen appliances 


A dishwasher cleans your dirty dishes, but it can get pretty dirty in the process as well. Here’s how to clean them:

  • To clean the exterior of the dishwasher, use a cloth dipped in baking soda. You can also use baking soda to remove stains and smudges from the liner. To eliminate stubborn soil, use a scouring pad.
  • To clean the inside of your dishwasher, run a wash load by utilising powdered lemonade. This will deodorise the inside and remove hard-water stains as well. Lemonade mix has ascorbic acid that aids in the cleaning process.
  • If your dishwasher smells bad, use baking soda to get rid of it. Sprinkle three tablespoons of it at the bottom and allow it to remain there overnight. When you perform a wash cycle, the odours will be eliminated with baking soda.

Microwave Ovens

A lot of grime, stains and bad odours can build up over time in your microwave unit. Here’s how to make it sparkling clean:

  • Using an oven cleaner to clean your microwave oven is prohibited. Instead, use a dishwashing detergent which is mild, glass cleaner, or baking soda to clean the microwave’s inside. The glass tray can be washed in the dishwasher or the sink.
  • If the inside of the microwave oven has greasy stains and/or stains from sauces, then place a glass of water along with another glass containing one-fourth of vinegar. Turn on the oven for three minutes, then remove the glasses, and wipe the inside with a wet sponge.
  • You can freshen up your microwave by placing a cup of vinegar inside over the course of the night. If the bad odour is still present, repeat this procedure every night. But don’t forget to change the vinegar.

Range Hoods

A range hood is an essential component of any cooker or range, be it electrical or gas-operated. It is either built-in or can be installed later. Its primary function is to remove odour, steam, and grease and they are directed outside the house. Vented range hoods have replaceable charcoal filters, while the non-vented ones have fans.

With time, a range hood can develop some serious grime and build up. Hence, you should clean it on a periodic basis.

  • You can clean the interior and exterior of the hood by using a solution of hot water, ammonia, and dishwashing detergent to remove the grease.
  • The filter of the hood can be washed in warm water. It’s better to use soapy water. Clean the blades of the fan with ammonia.
  • The metal mesh filters should be cleaned periodically and the charcoal filters on non-vented hoods have to be replaced every 6 to 9 months.
  • You must never wash a charcoal filter. This will reduce their efficacy.

Reliable & friendly kitchen appliances 

Cleaning a kitchen appliance is not an as daunting task as it may seem. It requires patience and persistence, and by doing so, you will ensure that no technician or repair engineer is needed to replace a faulty component.


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