Are you causing common washing machine faults without realising?

Common washing machine faults you can prevent

Washing machines are an essential part of our daily lives, but they can be a source of frustration when they develop faults. Our experts have been hard at work, researching some of the most common washing machine faults and how to avoid them.


Overloading is one of the most common faults in washing machines. When you put too many clothes in the washing machine, it puts a strain on the motor, which can cause it to burn out. To avoid this, make sure you follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the maximum load capacity of your machine. If you have a lot of washing to do, it's better to split it into two loads rather than trying to fit everything into one.

Not cleaning the lint filter

The lint filter is an essential part of the washing machine, and if it gets clogged with lint, it can cause the machine to overheat and break down. To avoid this, make sure you clean the lint filter after every wash. If the filter is damaged or missing, replace it immediately.

Using too much detergent

Using too much detergent can cause a build-up of suds, which can damage the washing machine's motor and other parts. To avoid this, use the correct amount of detergent according to the manufacturer's guidelines. If you have hard water, you may need to use more detergent, but don't exceed the recommended amount.

Not leveling the machine

If your washing machine is not level, it can cause it to vibrate excessively, which can damage the motor and other parts. To avoid this, make sure the machine is level by adjusting the legs until it's stable.

Dirty door seal

The door seal is an essential part of the washing machine, and if it gets damaged or dirty, it can cause water to leak out of the machine. To avoid this, make sure you clean the door seal regularly with a damp cloth and mild detergent. If the door seal is damaged, replace it immediately.

If you find yourself reading this helpful guide as you've not been able to prevent these faults in time, its not too late to get an engineer out to fix the faults fast! Get in contact with a Go Assist washing machine engineer here!

In conclusion, by following these simple tips, you can avoid some of the most common washing machine faults. By taking care of your washing machine, you can extend its lifespan and save money in the long run. However, If your machine does develop a fault, it's always best to get it checked out by a qualified engineer to avoid further damage, as a go assist member you can get a reduced-priced repair.

For more washing machine tips and advice, check out our FAQs page. 


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