Common electric hob faults & solutions

Electric hobs have become an indispensable part of modern kitchens, merging aesthetic appeal with cutting-edge efficiency. Their sleek design and rapid heating capabilities have made them a favourite among homeowners. Yet, as with all advanced appliances, they can sometimes present challenges. Anyone who's been greeted by a malfunctioning hob just as they're gearing up to cook knows the pang of frustration. At Go Assist, we aim to demystify these challenges, offering insights and solutions.

The mechanics of electric hobs

Electric hobs are marvels of modern engineering. They function by converting electrical energy into heat, which is then directed to your cookware. This allows for rapid and even cooking, making meal preparation a breeze. The effectiveness and longevity of this process are closely tied to the maintenance of the hob's components and the integrity of its electrical connections.

Diving deeper into electric hob issues and their solutions

1. The persistent circuit tripping

One of the most common issues homeowners face is the tripping of the circuit when the hob is in use. An overloaded circuit is frequently the cause. This situation arises when several appliances, all drawing significant power, are connected to the same circuit. The immediate solution is to disconnect other appliances and reset the breaker. However, if this becomes a recurring problem, it's advisable to have an electrician assess the circuit breaker and the wiring for potential issues.

Another angle to consider is the condition of the power plug. Over time, wear and tear, coupled with potential minor electrical surges, can compromise the plug. Regularly inspecting it for signs of damage or burning can prevent more significant issues down the line.

2. The unresponsive cooking plate

When the cooking plate refuses to heat, it's not just an inconvenience; it's a disruption to the entire cooking process. Often, the heating element, the heart of the hob's operation, might be showing its age or has sustained damage. Regular checks can help identify any visible signs of wear or damage. If the element is compromised, replacing it is usually the most effective solution.

Additionally, the choice of cookware plays a pivotal role. Not all pots and pans are designed for electric hobs. Those with uneven bases can lead to inefficient and uneven heating. Investing in high-quality cookware, specifically designed for electric hobs, can make a world of difference.

3. Decoding the ‘E’ symbol

The appearance of the 'E' symbol can be perplexing for many. This symbol often indicates issues related to continuous switch pressing. This can be due to accumulated dirt, food particles, or even moisture, leading to a short circuit or touchpad malfunction. Regular and thorough cleaning of the hob, ensuring it's dry and free from debris, can prevent this. If the issue persists, it might be time to consider touchpad replacement.

4. The stubborn temperature

A hob that refuses to adjust its temperature can be a chef's nightmare. More often than not, the thermostat is the culprit. Responsible for regulating the hob's temperature, a malfunctioning thermostat can lead to dishes being undercooked or burnt. Using a multimeter to check its continuity can offer insights. Cleaning its contacts might resolve minor issues, but persistent problems often signal the need for a replacement.

The importance of professional insight

While the world of DIY is tempting, and some issues with electric hobs can indeed be addressed with a bit of troubleshooting, many problems require expert intervention. Electrical appliances, especially those as integral as hobs, demand a careful and knowledgeable approach. At Go Assist, our team of seasoned service engineers is always on standby. Book your electric hob repair online with us today, and ensure that your culinary adventures remain uninterrupted and safe.


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