Diagnosing A Broken Down Chest Freezer

Has your chest freezer stopped working? Our appliance engineers offer chest freezer repairs at low prices and are here to help fix and service your appliances.

A chest freezer serves an important function in your home; it allows you to store extra food when you don’t have any more storage room in your refrigerator’s freezer. But in some situations, your chest freezer can develop problems and eventually break down and stop working.

You don’t want to wake up one morning only to find out that the roast you stored for Christmas has gone bad. Before considering buying a new freezer, there are certain fixes you can perform on your own.

Check the outlet and/or the plug

If your chest freezer is not working at all and there seems to be no incoming electrical power, inspect the wall outlet where the freezer is plugged into. Switch it off, unplug the freezer, and plug in another appliance. If that doesn’t work either then the problem lies with the outlet and you will need to check it for loose connections.

If it works, the problem is with your freezer. Check the plug for loose connections; if there are any, tighten them and plug them in again. If that works, well and good; but if it doesn’t, there can be a fault with the freezer’s power supply. You will need to open the back panel to gain access to it.

Diagnose the relay

The relay is a switch that turns on the compressor. It can develop a fault and will need to be inspected thoroughly. A plastic box houses the relay, along with the overload protector and the motor terminals. It is connected to the compressor.

Use a multimeter and conduct a continuity test on the relay terminals. Make sure that it is not burned out or shorted. Shake it and if you hear a rattling sound, this is a clear indicator that the terminals have shorted out. You will need to buy a new one.

Inspect the Thermostat

If your freezer is powering on, but not cooling, the problem lies with the thermostat. It is a device that regulates the temperature within the chest freezer. To gain access to it, you will have to remove the side panel on the freezer. Then using a screwdriver, carefully remove the thermostat, but don’t attempt to disconnect the attached tube.

Use a multimeter and check the thermostat for continuity. If it is positive, the thermostat is fine. But if the needle does not deflect, the thermostat has to be changed.

Scrutinise the Compressor

The compressor is the backbone of your chest freezer; it is a football-shaped motor housed in a plastic cover and is installed at the back of the chest freezer. You will need to remove the rear panel for a closer look. There are two ways to identify a non-working compressor.

  • The relay is operational; the continuity check is positive.
  • A humming sound is heard, then a clicking sound, followed by silence.

Fast & reliable chest freezer repairs 

No matter what is wrong with your chest freezer our expert engineers are on hand to fix your appliances. Book your repair today.


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