How do I clean my fridge?

Is your fridge working properly? You may need to clean your appliance. Our experts have put together 4 top tips on how to clean your fridge.

4 steps to clean your fridge 

When it comes to cleaning, the fridge is the most neglected appliance in the household. It often takes months or years for anyone to even consider cleaning the fridge. A lot of people might clean the outer surface of the fridge by wiping off any food particles on the front shelves or dust on the door but completely forget about the rest of the areas inside the fridge. So here is a step by step guide on how to clean the fridge.

Note: When you are cleaning the fridge, make sure that it is powered off. Any attempt to clean it while it is still connected to the electrical port may result in harm.

  1. Take out all of the food

First things first, you need to empty out all of the contents of the fridge so that you are able to clean it properly. Place all the food on the kitchen counter or dining table.  Keep all of the fruits and vegetables in a bowl. If you have any food that can be spoilt if it is out for long such as frozen fish or ice cream, just make sure it is not out for more than an hour.

You can do the entire cleaning in as little as half an hour so you just have to manage the time well. If you have another fridge then you can temporarily shift these easily perishable or melting items in that. Alternatively, you can use a cool box to place any of these items in that for the time being. Another great hack for cleaning the fridge is to do it in winter. You can take as much time as you want in cleaning if you are doing it in winter.

  1. Throw out old stuff

Once you start sorting out the contents of your fridge, you will also notice some food that is way beyond its expiration date. You can tell by either reading the label on its packaging or by the mould or mildew growing on it. Just toss anything that looks and smells rotten out of your fridge. This will de-clutter it and give you extra space as well.

  1. Take out the shelves and crispers

If you clean your fridge often then a quick clean-up is all you need to do and you can skip the part where you have to take all the shelves and the crispers out. But if it’s been more than a year and your fridge hasn’t gotten a deep clean then it’s required.

Use dish soap to clean the shelves and crispers. You can even use it to scrub the insides of the fridge. If your fridge has some deep stains then you can also use ammonia diluted in warm water. Wipe it all off and then wait about 20 minutes for it to be dried off.

  1. Put it all back

After cleaning it, you can reassemble the shelves and crispers and keep all of the contents of the fridge back inside.

Fast reliable fridge repairs 

No matter how well you clean your fridge, breakdowns are inevitable. That's why Go Assist is here to help, whatever appliance you have our experts are on hand to fix them all.  


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