10 Items You Should Never Put In The Microwave

Are you just about to rush out of the house and want to know if you can just heat up that coffee? Our experts have all the answers on what you shouldn't put in your microwave. 

Items that can never be microwaved

Even though the microwave oven is a vital piece of appliance in your home, you cannot take it for granted and start microwaving anything you can get your hands on. A microwave oven produces microwaves which are electromagnetic waves that can generate electric, magnetic, and heating effect in certain items.

Either the oven can get damaged or the item can explode or erupt into flames. Whatever the result, here are 10 things you should never place in a microwave oven.

1. Plastic and paper bags

Plastic bags can heat up and release harmful toxins into your food. Paper bags are even more dangerous and can erupt into flames.

2. Grapes or any fresh fruit

Fresh fruit such as grapes and raisins can easily catch fire if put in the oven. Some fruits can explode as well, for example, pineapples and watermelons.

3. Metal travel cups and mugs 

When travel cups and mugs are made out of metal, you don’t want to put metal into a microwave oven-it’s as simple as that!

4. Yoghurt container

It’s not just your favourite yoghurt container, but this stands true for a bucket of Ben & Jerry’s as well; their plastic containers are not supposed to be kept in a microwave oven.

5. Metal rimmed plates 

There are certain plates that can be used in a microwave, but not the ones that have a rim made of metal. As mentioned earlier, metals are a big NO NO!

6. Aluminium foil 

Again Aluminium is a metal and will catch fire!

7. Frozen meat

This can be a tricky one therefore it is best avoided! Depending on how thick the meat is, it can be hard to cook all the way through. If heat isn't distributed evenly, you could be putting yourself at risk of food poisoning. If you need to defrost meat from the freezer - it's best to leave it in the fridge overnight. 

8. Peppers

Although they can withstand the heat, certain chemicals are released that can be fatal for consumption.

9. Plastic and styrofoam container

Whether it’s a container made of plastic or Styrofoam, it will burn and produce dangerous toxins that will be released into the food stored inside. 

10.  Liquids and sauces

If you place a bowl of soup or sauce without a cover, there will be a big mess for you to clean up. Therefore, always use a non-plastic cover to avoid that from happening.

Fast & reliable microwave repairs 

Have you placed one of these items in your microwave to find that it has broken your microwave? Our appliance engineers are on hand to repair all your appliances no matter the issue, book your microwave repair online today. 


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