5 ways to save money this summer

Savvy money-saving tips you won't want to miss

After two long years, we are finally on the way to experiencing our first summer free of social distancing and general covid restrictions. However, with the cost of living increasing, there is a risk that money will be the bigger obstacle for UK households this summer.

You and your home matter to us and we’re here to help keep your household running efficiently, ensuring you are saving as much money as possible. We’ve done our research and found numerous tips for you to save money this summer, that way you can put your pennies towards the things that really matter. 

1. Keep your home & appliances well maintained

We know breakdowns and repairs can be costly. Although we offer competitive prices to our customers, we appreciate there is never a convenient time to part with your money due to an appliance breakdown, plumbing issue, or electrical fault.

The best way to avoid this from occurring is to ensure you are keeping your appliances/ plumbing and electrical systems well maintained. Cleaning and clearing limescale and grime from taps and shower heads, ensuring dust is kept out of plug sockets – and not overloading your dishwashers or washing machines will help prevent any future breakdowns.

2. Replace light bulbs

Believe it or not, over the course of the year – lightbulbs can add double digits to your energy bill if they aren’t efficient in lighting your home.  An LED light bulb costs around £1.71 a year to run, whereas a halogen is 8 times that of £8.42. Change your light bulbs to reduce your energy bill this summer.

3. Buy budget brands in supermarkets

Premium brands often, offer the same product for a higher price even though both projects come from the same factory. Cut back on premium brands, supermarket budget brands can save you double digits on your weekly shop without having to sacrifice flavour, or the foods you really enjoy having this summer.

4. Choose energy-efficient appliances to save up to £425

These are the maximum savings based on the difference between the highest and lowest annual running costs from ‘Which?’ product tests.  Our research shows that swapping power-guzzling kitchen appliances for energy-saving models could save you up to £425 a year on your household bills. 

  • Fridge Freezer – £138
  • Tumble dryer – £137
  • Washing machine – £69
  • Dishwasher – £44
  • Built-in oven – £37

5. Ensure your gadgets aren’t on standby

Place close attention to your gadgets such as televisions, TV boxes, computers, chargers, and household appliances. Although they may be on standby - much older gadgets don't cut power consumption when on standby. Therefore, switching your telly, washing machine and chargers off at the socket could save you £55 a year.

We're here to help

We appreciate that times are hard, which is why we're dedicated to offering home services and repairs at affordable prices, as well as 1 year's FREE membership with every repair, which offers savings and discounts as well as priority service.

Get in contact with us today to find out more on 0333 733 1234.


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