Are You Prepared For A Home Emergency This Winter?

Are you ready for the winter weather? We have all the answers, follow our expert guidance on how to prepare for winter. 

How to prepare your home for winter

With winter in full swing, one would hope that the people of Britain would be prepared for anything the cold conditions have to throw at them. But according to a recent survey by Super Saver Oil*, 67% have admitted that they’re unprepared for a ‘winter household emergency'.

With the colder temperatures, and boilers struggling to keep up, boiler breakdowns seem to be the most common home emergency in UK households. Only 20% of the 1,067 people surveyed said they would know what measures need to be taken to prevent a household emergency.

But boilers aren’t the only thing you should be worried about this winter. More than 30% said that they were unprepared for gas leaks and 25% said they weren’t ready for freezing pipes.

Get your boilers in perfect working order 

To make sure you have peace of mind this winter contact Go Assist to get your boilers in perfect working order this winter.


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