Are you using the right pan for your stove?

Find the best pan to use on Pancake Day depending on your hob type

Pancake Day is just around the corner, and if you're planning to whip up some delicious pancakes, it's essential to have the right cooking pan. However, not all pans are created equal, and different types of stovetops require different types of pans, our experts at Go Assist have put together a helpful guide to ensure you end up with the best results this pancake day. 

Electric Stove

If you have an electric stove, you'll want to use a pan that distributes heat evenly across the surface. A non-stick pan is an excellent choice for pancakes since it requires less oil or butter to keep the pancakes from sticking. Look for a pan with a flat bottom and a thick base to ensure even heat distribution. Ceramic pans are also a good option since they're non-reactive and won't leach any harmful chemicals into your food.

Gas Stove

Gas stoves/ hobs are versatile and reliable, making them a popular choice for many households. When it comes to cooking pancakes on a gas stove, we recommend using a pan that can handle high heat without warping or burning your pancakes. Cast iron pans are a popular choice since they're durable, long-lasting, and can withstand high temperatures. They also add a crispy texture to your pancakes, which many people enjoy. If you don't have a cast iron pan, a heavy-gauge aluminum or stainless-steel pan is a good alternative.

Induction Stove

Induction stovetops are becoming increasingly popular, and they require special pans that are compatible with magnetic induction. Look for a pan that has a magnetic base or is labeled as "induction compatible." Cast iron, stainless steel, and copper pans are all excellent options for induction cooking since they conduct heat well and distribute it evenly.


Remember, no matter what type of stove you have, it's important to choose a pan that is the right size for your burner. A pan that is too small will cook unevenly, while a pan that is too large will take longer to heat up and may not cook your pancakes evenly.

Overall, the best cooking pan for Pancake Day will depend on your personal preferences and the type of stove you have. However, by choosing a high-quality pan that's suited to your stove type, you can ensure that your pancakes will turn out perfectly every time.

We hope these tips help you to choose the best pan for your stove type so that you can make perfect pancakes this pancake day! And if you need any help with your hob or other home appliances, remember that Go Assist is here to help you with all your home service needs.


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