Dishwasher mishaps to avoid

Tips from dishwasher repair experts

Your dishwasher is the unsung hero of the kitchen, handling the toughest grease and stubborn stains. But, just like any other home appliance, it needs proper care to keep it running smoothly. Here at Go Assist, we've encountered numerous dishwasher mishaps that could have been easily prevented. 

Our repair experts have compiled some crucial tips to help you avoid common mistakes and ensure your dishwasher continues to perform its best. 

1. Overloading the dishwasher 

While we know it's tempting to squeeze in every dirty plate and cup to avoid an extra load, overloading can obstruct the spray arms and prevent the detergent from reaching all your dishes. This often results in poorly cleaned items and may cause damage over time. We recommend ensuring there's enough space between each item for water and detergent to circulate effectively.

2. Misloading your dishes 

Loading your dishwasher isn't a one-size-fits-all process. Incorrectly positioned dishes can block the spray arms or prevent proper drainage. Place large plates and cookware at the sides and back to prevent obstructing the spray. Utensils should be loaded in a way that avoids them nesting together, which could prevent thorough cleaning.

3. Skipping routine maintenance 

We understand regular maintenance can easily be overlooked, but it's crucial for keeping your dishwasher running at peak efficiency. Our experts recommend cleaning the filter at least once a month to prevent clogs and check for any food particles around the spray arms. Additionally, occasionally running an empty cycle with white wine vinegar helps to keep the interior fresh and free of limescale. 

4. Using excessive detergent 

More detergent doesn't always mean cleaner dishes. Excessive detergent can lead to residue build-up on your dishes and within the dishwasher, affecting performance. We advise following the manufacturer's guidelines on how much detergent to use based on your water hardness.

5. Pre-rinsing your plates

It may seem logical to rinse your dishes before placing them in the dishwasher, but most models have a pre-rinse cycle that handles this step. Pre-rinsing wastes water, and modern detergents are specifically formulated to break down food particles. Simply scrape off excess food and load your dishes straight into the machine. 

6. Ignoring unusual noises or leaks

Strange noises and leaks can be signs of underlying issues. If your dishwasher is making unusual sounds or leaking, it's essential to investigate promptly. Continuing to run your dishwasher despite these warning signs can lead to more significant problems and expensive repairs.


By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to keeping your dishwasher in tip-top shape. However, if you encounter issues that seem beyond routine maintenance, our team of expert engineers are ready and on-hand to help. Contact us today, and let our trusted experts get your dishwasher back in action in no time!

For more dishwasher advice and tips, check out our FAQs page.


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