Electric or gas ovens: the key differences explained

Electric or gas oven? As homeowners, we often find ourselves faced with important decisions when it comes to upgrading or repairing our kitchen appliances. One crucial choice to make is whether to opt for an electric or gas oven. At Go Assist, your nationwide appliance repair company, we understand the significance of this decision and aim to guide you through the key differences, benefits, and negatives of electric and gas ovens. 

Power sources

One of the primary distinctions between electric and gas ovens is the power source they rely on. Electric ovens operate on electricity, while gas ovens use natural gas or propane. This fundamental difference influences various aspects of their performance, functionality and running costs. 

Heat distribution

Electric ovens utilize heating elements, typically located on the top and bottom of the oven cavity, to produce heat. These elements heat up quickly and provide consistent heat distribution throughout the oven. This even distribution makes electric ovens ideal for baking and precise temperature control.

On the other hand, gas ovens generate heat through gas burners, which produce a flame. This method can result in slightly uneven heat distribution within the oven. However, many gas ovens now feature convection technology, which uses fans to circulate the hot air, leading to more uniform cooking.

Heating speed

When it comes to heating speed, gas ovens have the upper hand. Gas flames provide instant heat, allowing the oven to reach the desired temperature more quickly. This can be advantageous for those who want to start cooking immediately or have limited time. Electric ovens, while taking a little longer to preheat, offer more precise temperature control. They also tend to hold heat more consistently, resulting in more stable cooking temperatures.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is a crucial factor to consider, both for the environment and your energy bills. In this aspect, electric ovens have the advantage. Electric ovens convert most of the energy they consume into heat, making them more efficient overall. However, advancements in gas oven technology have made them more energy-efficient than before, narrowing the gap between the two options.

Safety considerations

Safety is paramount when dealing with kitchen appliances. Gas ovens come with their own set of safety concerns due to the use of gas lines and open flames. It's important to ensure proper installation and maintenance to prevent gas leaks and potential hazards. Electric ovens eliminate the risks associated with gas, making them a safer option. However, it's crucial to be cautious of electrical components and cords to avoid any accidents.

Flexibility and costs

When it comes to installation, electric ovens tend to be easier and more flexible since they only require an electrical outlet. Gas ovens, on the other hand, require a gas line and proper ventilation, which can be more complex and costly to install, especially if your kitchen does not have a gas line already in place.

Additionally, gas ovens may require periodic maintenance of gas lines and burners, which can incur additional costs over time. Electric ovens, while generally lower in upfront costs, may result in slightly higher electricity bills depending on usage.


Choosing between an electric or gas oven ultimately depends on your cooking preferences, lifestyle, and the existing infrastructure in your home. Electric ovens offer precise temperature control and even heat distribution, making them ideal for baking. Gas ovens provide instant heat and are generally more energy-efficient than they used to be while requiring proper ventilation and installation precautions.

At Go Assist, we understand the importance of making informed decisions about your appliances. By considering the key differences, benefits, and negatives of electric and gas ovens, you can select the option that best suits your needs and enhances your culinary experiences. Remember, no matter which option you choose, our nationwide appliance repair services are always available to keep your oven running smoothly.


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