How to check for bedbugs in your home

Do you have bedbugs? It’s a question you might not want to ask yourself, but it’s important to know the answer. These pests are small, but they can cause big problems. They can bite you and cause skin irritation, and they can also contaminate your bedding and furniture.

If you think you have bedbugs, it’s important to stay calm, these pests are annoying and irritating, but they are not dangerous. There are a few ways to tell if you have a bedbug infestation.

Common signs of bedbugs

  1. Look for bites. Bedbugs are attracted to the warmth of your body and carbon dioxide, both things naturally rise whilst we sleep, therefore it's likely they will hide in the day and wait to come out of their hiding spot to bite you while you sleep. These bites are usually red and itchy and most noticeable in the morning. 

  2. Search for stains on your sheets or pillowcase. Bedbugs excrete a reddish-black substance when they feed, which can leave stains on your bedding.

  3. Third, look for live bugs. Bedbugs are small, brown, and oval-shaped. They are often hard to see, but if you look closely, you may be able to spot them.

If after following our 3 steps, you suspect that an infestation is present it's important to do the following.

  • Remove all bedding and put it on a high-temperature wash, this should help kill any bedbugs and or their eggs that are present in your sheets.

  • Check the surrounding area of your bed, including inside bedside tables, books, edges of carpets and even electrical sockets. Although they are termed ‘bed’ bugs, they can and will hide in other areas of the bedroom, so do a thorough sweep to ensure you have found all the sports they’re hiding.

  • Extend your diligent search to your wardrobe, bedbugs can attach themselves to clothing.

Once you have gathered whether you have bedbugs and the extent of the infestation, it is important to get in contact with a pest control expert.

Although cleaning up bedbug-infested areas will help control the pests, completely getting rid of them usually requires chemical treatments. Because using insecticides in your bedroom can be harmful, it is important to only use products that are safe to use in bedrooms. Your local pest control expert will be well versed with these chemical solutions and will be able to strongly advise you on the next steps in dealing with your pest problem.

For more helpful articles and advice ranging from pest control to plumbing solutions look at our Go Assist blog.


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