How to clean an oven naturally: eco-friendly oven maintenance

Eco-friendly oven maintenance

Go-Assist is not just a leading provider of appliance repairs, plumbing, electrical, and boiler repairs across the UK. We're also your trusted partner in maintaining a healthy, efficient home. While we're always ready to assist with major appliance issues, we're equally passionate about sharing sustainable, natural methods for routine maintenance tasks. One such task that often seems daunting is cleaning the oven. Our experts have been hard at work to guide you through a comprehensive, eco-friendly process to achieve a sparkling clean oven without resorting to harsh chemicals.

The importance of natural cleaning

Natural cleaning methods are gaining popularity for good reasons. They're environmentally friendly, reducing the chemical load on our planet. They're also safer for your home, eliminating the risk of chemical residues that could potentially contaminate your food. Plus, natural cleaning solutions are often more economical, using inexpensive, readily available ingredients.

What you'll need

To clean your oven naturally, you'll need a few simple ingredients and tools, most of which you likely already have at home:

  • Baking soda: A natural abrasive that's excellent for scrubbing away grime.
  • White vinegar: A natural disinfectant and deodorizer that reacts with baking soda to help lift stains.
  • Water: To create your cleaning paste and rinsing.
  • Spray bottle: For applying the vinegar.
  • Sponge or scrub brush: For scrubbing away the baking soda paste and grime.
  • Spatula or scraper: To help remove stubborn, burnt-on food.
  • Gloves: To protect your hands during the cleaning process.

  • A cloth or towel: For wiping down surfaces.


Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Oven Naturally

Prepare the Oven: Begin by removing the oven racks and any other removable parts. Preheating the oven slightly (just warm to the touch, not hot) can make the cleaning process more effective, as the warmth helps to loosen grime.

Create a Cleaning Paste: In a bowl, mix equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. The consistency should be spreadable, similar to a thick pancake batter. This paste will serve as your primary cleaning agent, leveraging the scrubbing power of baking soda.

Apply the Paste: With your gloves on, spread the baking soda paste all over the interior of the oven. Be generous, especially in areas with heavy grease or burnt-on food. However, avoid the heating elements to prevent any potential damage.

Let it sit: Patience is key here. Allow the paste to sit on the surfaces for at least 4 hours. For best results, leave it overnight. This resting period gives the baking soda time to penetrate and break down the grime.

Scrub the oven: After the paste has done its job, it's time for some elbow grease. Using a sponge or scrub brush, gently scrub the oven's interior. The paste should have loosened the grime, making it easier to scrub away. For stubborn spots, a spatula or scraper can be a handy tool to lift off the residue.

Rinse with vinegar: Now, it's time for the vinegar. Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and spray the oven's interior. The vinegar will react with the baking soda, creating a gentle foam that helps lift any remaining grime. Wipe down with a damp cloth to remove any remaining residue.

Clean the oven racks: While the paste is working in the oven, you can clean the oven racks. Soak them in a bathtub or large sink filled with warm water and a cup each of baking soda and vinegar. Let them soak for a few hours, then scrub and rinse them clean.

Final wipe down: Once you've thoroughly cleaned the interior and the racks, give the oven one final wipe down with a damp cloth. This ensures all residues are removed, and your oven is sparkling clean.

Enjoy your clean oven: With the hard work done, it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. A clean oven not only looks great but also functions more efficiently and provides a healthier cooking environment.


Cleaning your oven doesn't have to be a job filled with harsh chemicals and unpleasant fumes. With Go-Assist's comprehensive guide to natural oven cleaning, you can achieve a sparkling clean oven using simple, eco-friendly ingredients. It's a win for your home, your health, and the environment.

Remember, Go-Assist is always here to help with more complex appliance issues. Our expert team provides reliable and efficient services to households all over the UK, ensuring that your appliances are always in top condition.


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