How to clean your air fryer

Air fryers have become a popular kitchen appliance in recent years, thanks to their ability to cook healthy meals with little to no oil. However, like any other kitchen appliance, air fryers need to be cleaned regularly to prevent the build-up of grease and food particles, which can impact their performance and even pose a risk of fire. Our experts at Go Assist have come up with some tips and tricks to ensure your air fryer stays in pristine working condition.

Is it really necessary to clean an air fryer?

Cleaning an air fryer can get overlooked - it's a self-contained, minimal-mess kitchen utensil - but just like other household appliances, neglecting to maintain and keep it clean can cause future breakdowns and a slump in efficiency over time. 

Grease and food particles can build up inside the air fryer, making it difficult to cook food evenly which could potentially cause the food you’re cooking to be underdone - increasing the risk of sickness.

If your air fryer hasn't been cleaned for a lengthy period of time, it can start to act in a similar way to a toaster, It will start cooking all of the excess grease and dirt stuck in its elements, causing the air fryer to smoke and make your food taste bad. If you avoid cleaning for too long, worst-case scenarios could occur wherein the air fryer could overheat and catch on fire, causing damage to your home or even injury to yourself or your loved ones.

Cleaning your air fryer regularly will also help prevent damage to its internal components, ensuring it lasts for many years. Finally, maintaining a clean air fryer is essential if you want to maintain the manufacturer's warranty which many makes and models come with nowadays.

How to clean an air fryer

After each use, it's important to empty the basket and drip tray of any food particles and grease. Wash the basket and drip tray in the sink with soap and water, or alternatively, place them in the dishwasher. This will help prevent the build-up of grease and food particles, which can cause the air fryer to smoke and cook food unevenly.

Next, it's essential to clean the exterior of the air fryer. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down the exterior.  Cleaning the exterior of the air fryer will not only keep it looking new, but it will also prevent the build-up of grease and food particles that can damage the internal components.

Cleaning internal components

The heating element is part of the air fryer that heats the food, and it is located at the bottom of the air fryer. To clean the heating element, use a damp cloth to wipe it down and if necessary scrub it with warm soapy water. It's essential to clean the heating element regularly to prevent it from overheating and causing a fire.

The fan is another essential component of an air fryer, as it helps circulate the hot air around the food to cook it evenly. To clean the fan, use a damp cloth, soaked in hot soapy water and wipe it down>

Lastly, it's essential to clean the base of the air fryer, where the air fryer sits on the counter and plugs in. Use a damp cloth armed with your average kitchen anti-bac spray to wipe down the base and clean off any dirt or grease. 


Cleaning your air fryer regularly is essential for ensuring its performance and longevity, as well as for preventing any potential safety hazards. By following these simple tips, you can keep your air fryer in good condition and enjoy healthy, delicious meals for years to come. Remember to always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific cleaning instructions for your model of air fryer.


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