How to deter spiders from your home this autumn

Stop spider season in its tracks

It's that time of year again. The weather is cooling down, the leaves are changing colour, and spider season is in full swing. You might be wondering how to keep these eight-legged creatures out of your home.
But don't worry, our pest control experts have advised that there are a few simple things you can do to spider-proof your home and keep them at bay.

Make your own spray

Spiders are very sensitive to smell, use this to your advantage and deter them with smells they aren’t particularly fond of. You can do this using lemon or lime juice or essential oils like tea tree, lavender, or cinnamon, and 20ml of water in a spray bottle with the scent of choice and spraying the smell around the home.

Seal cracks & openings around windows and doors

Spiders must get into our homes somehow, so sealing any cracks or openings around windows and doors will reduce the chances of an initial invasion. This will reduce spiders’ home-making opportunities. Reducing the number of cracks and crevices will limit the places in which spiders are likely to set up home – although some, like daddy long legs spiders, don’t use retreats of this kind

Rub citrus peels on floorboards & windowsills

Lemon and orange peels are a natural deterrent for spiders. Rub floorboards and windowsills with the peels once a day so the smell lingers. You can also have a bowl of citrus fruits in your kitchen to keep spiders out of this area. Be aware that this could strip the paint off your windowsill, so if you do try this, test it in an inconspicuous area first. You could also try placing citrus peels near your windowsills and doorways to discourage spiders.

Put horse chestnuts in corners and on windowsills

Horse chestnuts have a smell and texture that deters spiders. You can buy horse chestnuts at your local supermarket or online. They tend to last a long time and require no upkeep. Spread 4-5 horse chestnuts in each room, especially near windows, to keep spiders away.

Clean weekly to remove dust, dirt, and debris 

Keeping your house clean will ensure there are no pieces of food on your floors that can attract spiders. Dust and dirt in the corners of rooms can also serve as a great hiding spot for spiders, so be sure to sweep or vacuum these areas regularly. Clean windowsills and frames once a week, or daily, to prevent spider webs from forming.

There are many ways to deter spiders from entering your home this autumn. However, according to our pest control experts, the most effective way to keep spiders away from your home this autumn is to employ a combination of deterrents. Choose from our list above or ensure you have someone in your household who doesn’t mind the creepy crawlies to help release them when you find one.

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