Noises in your loft? You may have a pest problem

Identify the sounds you're hearing in your loft

Unfortunately, it’s that time of year again – creepy crawlies and other pests start taking refuge in homes and more frequently attics/lofts. Don’t worry though, our pest experts are on hand to help you identify the sounds you may be hearing at the top of your home and guide you in what steps you should take next.

  • Rats and mice If you suspect rats/mice are living in your loft, you will be able to hear them scurrying across the floor at night or throughout the day. Rats have a distinguishable gnaw that mice don’t possess. Typically, mice/rats will find their way into spaces and take shelter in cavity walls and loft insulation.

    Our experts recommend having a lookup in your attic for droppings, and evidence of chewing. If you find evidence of this you can either look to set up some rat traps yourself, humane or not it is your choice. However, if from looking in your attic you predict there are numerous rats living in your loft it may be worth calling in an expert to advise you further.

  • Bees and waspsIf bees or wasps have nested in your home the noises you may be familiar with hearing are hums, humming or buzzing. If a nest is present, it can be as big as a football and therefore it's important not to get too close or threaten them as hives can attack and sting multiple times.

    In the case of a bee or wasp infestation, we would strongly advise you to call your local pest control expert to handle the job.
  • BirdsFrantic flapping and tweeting sounds are a tell-tale sound of a bird in your lost. Although it’s true that they’re not as big a threat as mice, rats, or bees when it comes to the integrity of your home. They still can cause damage to the infostructure of your home when nesting in your loft.

    It is advisable to call a pest control expert If you suspect birds are nesting in your home. Not only can they safely release the birds, but they can also repair the hole they will have entered through, ensuring you are preventing a future infestation.

In our experienced opinion, if you are hearing noises coming from your attic, it is likely that you can pinpoint the noise down to one of the 4 pests we have described above. However, if you are still curious and cannot see any signs of an infestation in your loft, we would advise getting in contact with our local pest experts who can quickly survey the area in which the noise is coming from, diagnose the cause and take appropriate action.

For more pest control tips and helpful articles, check out our blog here.


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