Prepare your home for an unforgettable Easter

6 Tips to prepare for an easy Easter Sunday

Are you hosting Easter this year? Whether you're planning a big family gathering or a small get-together with friends, preparing your home in advance can help make the day run smoothly. With our top tips on how to get your home ready, you can relax and enjoy the holiday with your guests.

1. Deep clean your home 

Easter is the perfect time to give your home a thorough spring cleaning. Dust and vacuum all surfaces, wash windows and curtains and clean out any clutter. Don't forget to pay special attention to the guest bedroom and bathroom, ensuring they are clean and tidy for your guests.

2. Refresh your décor 

Brighten up your home with Easter decorations and spring-themed décor. Fresh flowers and plants can add a pop of colour and cheer to your space. Consider adding pastel-coloured accents or Easter-themed items such as bunny figurines, Easter eggs, and wreaths.

3. Prep your outdoor space 

If you plan on entertaining outdoors, make sure your outdoor space is ready for guests. Clean and prep your patio or deck, and arrange outdoor furniture and seating areas. Consider adding outdoor lightings, such as string lights or lanterns, for a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

4. Prepare your menu 

Easter is a time for delicious food and treats. Plan your menu in advance and consider any dietary restrictions or preferences your guests may have. Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and cookware, and consider prepping some dishes ahead of time to save time on the day.

5. Check your appliances 

Ensure your appliances are in good working order before the big day. Check your oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher, and make any necessary repairs or upgrades. Consider booking a professional cleaning service to deep clean your appliances and make them shine like new.

6. Keep your home warm and cosy

As Easter approaches the overall temperature isn't as warm as we’d all hoped, it's important to ensure your home is properly heated to keep you and your guests comfortable. A cold draft flowing through your home can ruin the festive atmosphere, even if you have your heating turned up. Consider using draught excluders or draught-proofing kits to prevent chilly air from entering your home.

In addition, it's a good idea to get your boiler serviced or bleed your radiators to ensure they're working efficiently. A boiler service can identify and fix any potential issues before they become major problems, helping you avoid costly breakdowns and repairs. Bleeding your radiators can also improve their efficiency, ensuring they heat your home effectively and evenly. Don't wait until the last minute to take care of your heating system - book a service or bleed your radiators now to ensure your home is warm and cosy for Easter and a frosty springtime.


By following these tips, you can ensure a stress-free and enjoyable Easter celebration for you and your guests. 


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