Summer home security tips for summer 2023

Safeguarding your loved ones and your home is always a top priority. With unsettling statistics regarding burglaries, understand how to prevent break-ins, particularly during the summer months when many of us go on holiday.

In 2021, a shocking 257,000 burglaries occurred in the UK, with stolen goods causing an average loss of £2856 per household. As we navigate through the cost-of-living crisis of 2023, protecting your family, home, and finances remains essential. That's why our locksmiths and home security experts have compiled these key summer home security tips.

Ensure Everything is LockedIt may seem straightforward, but securing all possible entry points is vital. Ensure front doors, side gates, and garage doors are not only locked but also have sturdy, tamper-resistant locks. The police force advises that most burglars attempt entry through the front door.

Store Your Keys Safely
Avoid leaving your keys in easily accessible or visible locations, such as a key bowl near the door. Around 47% of burglaries are spontaneous, so don't provide easy opportunities.

Install a Video Doorbell
Video doorbells can deter burglars who check for occupants by knocking on the door. These devices also provide useful CCTV-style footage should any incidents occur.

Make Your Home Look Occupied While Away
If you're planning a summer getaway, enlist a neighbour's help to maintain an "occupied" appearance, like drawing curtains at night and ensuring no parcels remain on the doorstep.

Avoid Social Media Updates During Holidays
Refrain from publicly sharing your holiday adventures on social media in real-time. Check-ins and vacation pictures can signal to potential thieves that your home is unoccupied.

Secure Your Windows
Enhancing window security is crucial, especially for ground-level windows. Consider installing additional locks or pins to deter and prevent burglaries.

In conclusion, enhancing the security of your home for the summer is as simple as bolstering entry point security, creating an illusion of occupancy when away, and securing valuable belongings smartly.

For more information about our locksmith services, check out our FAQs.


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