The Benefits Of A Slimline Washing Machine In London

Searching for a washing machine in London? A slimline washing machine may be the one for you! Find out the benefits of a slimline washing machine below. 

London is the hub of British life. A bustling metropolis of 8.9 million people, the population of London has grown so steadily in the past decade that more people now live there than in New York City.

The UK’s capital is a global centre for finance, technology, media and culture, tourism and much more, attracting people not just from the rest of the country to live and work there, but from all over the world. Diverse, cosmopolitan, vibrant, people are drawn to London not just for the economic and job opportunities, but for the lifestyle the city offers.

Yet all of this comes with some drawbacks. With so many people jostling to live in one place, London’s property market is notoriously cut-throat. The cost of buying or renting a home in London is considerably higher than anywhere else in the UK. Not only that, you are unlikely to get much for your money in terms of living space.

Slimline dishwasher & squeezing more in

Like most of the world’s great cities, London has coped with its expanding population by growing up as well as out. If you live in London, there is just under one in two chance that you live in a flat - 43% of Londoners occupy flats or apartments. That compares to 9.8% across the rest of the UK if you discount Scotland, where around a quarter of people live in flats.

Interestingly, that doesn’t translate into London being the worst place in the UK in terms of living space per person - it actually comes out sixth behind the likes of Slough, Luton, Coventry and Oxford.

Yet there are no two ways about it. London is a city where space is at a premium. And the close to 50% of the capital’s population who live in flats are likely to feel the squeeze most.

Small homes usually translate into small kitchens. For anyone dwelling in a bijou studio apartment in the heart of London, difficult choices have to be made about the appliances you have in your kitchen. Tumble dryers and dishwashers may be staples of modern living, but how do you squeeze both into a living space which is, on average, just under the size of four car parking spaces? When there’s nowhere to hang your washing out to dry, you might feel the choice has been made for you.

But that’s where slimline appliances come in. Who says a dishwasher has to be a bulky intrusion that takes up an entire kitchen unit’s worth of space? White goods have long been manufactured to standard sizes to make them easy to slot into regulation units. But when your kitchen is on the smaller side of standard, it makes sense that alternative options should be built to suit.

Slimline dishwashers are a compact solution for London residents used to squeezing more out of smaller living spaces. But they also come with some other benefits. They tend to be more energy and cost-efficient than standard appliances, using less electricity and less water. As well as helping the planet, lower running costs are a little step towards offsetting those sky-high property expenses.

Fast & reliable slimline dishwasher repairs in London

Breakdowns are inevitable no matter how well you look after your appliances that's why Go Assist are here to repair your slimline dishwashers making sure they are in perfect working order as quickly as possible. Book your repair today. 


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