The role of plumbing in home safety

Worried about the efficiency of your plumbing system? Plumbing systems play a vital role in the safety of your home, find out how to protect your home and family.

Our experts are on hand to explain the importance of having an efficient plumbing system, the potential repercussions of neglecting plumbing maintenance, and how Go Assist are here to guide you, as well as offer premium plumbing repairs to give you peace of mind.

Importance of having an efficient plumbing system

Efficient plumbing systems play a key role in our daily lives by significantly helping to protect our homes and loved ones. Without a functioning plumbing system, daily tasks can become challenging and there is an increased chance of dangerous health and safety hazards occurring, which can put your families at risk. Here at Go Assist we can relieve you of any stress or worry you may have surrounding your plumbing system, and provide you with a top repair and maintenance service.

What are the risks of ignoring plumbing problems?

If left untreated, plumbing issues can lead to several risks and hazards including:

Higher water bills

Untreated plumbing issues such as leaks can cause you to receive a higher water bill at the end of the month. Did you know a dripping tap can add up to 10% on your water bill? Therefore, instead of ignoring these issues why not let Go Assist repair them today and save yourself a financial headache.

Safety hazards

Leaking or burst pipes can cause damage to your home’s foundations and structure. As well as this, leaks from faulty or broken plumbing appliances can create slippery surfaces which increases the risk of falls and accidents happening. Faulty plumbing systems can also pose the dangerous risk of an electrical fire, due to water coming into contact with electrical wiring.

Health hazards

At Go Assist we want to inform and protect our customers, that's why we have explained some health hazards that can occur if you ignore your plumbing problems. Untreated water leaks can lead to mold growth which could put your families at risk of health issues. Furthermore, plumbing problems can compromise the cleanliness of your water supply. This can contaminate your drinking water with bacteria, chemicals, or sewage which can also expose your loved ones to illnesses. 

At Go Assist, we understand the importance of efficient plumbing systems and appliances and the peace of mind they bring to homeowners. We offer premium plumbing solutions at affordable rates to ensure your entire plumbing system is in optimal condition, guaranteeing the safety of your homes and families. Book online in minutes.



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