What is lock snapping and how can you prevent it?

Stay safe this festive season with Go Assist by following our expert advice on understanding what lock snapping is, and how best you can prevent falling victim to it. 

On average, 465,000 homes are burgled every year in the UK, with a vast spike in home break-ins occurring during the festive period. A staggering 85% of all break-ins are caused by lock snapping, a relatively easy way for a burglar to quickly gain access to your home.

What is lock snapping?

Cylinder snapping or ‘lock snapping’ is unfortunately a very common method used by burglars to enter your property if you have a euro cylinder lock. This lock-snapping technique requires little to no skill by the thief and can be executed in as little as 9 seconds. The method of lock snapping involves breaking the cylinder surrounding the lock to then manipulate the lock to open the door with quiet, quick ease. 

What is a euro lock cylinder?

Euro locks are a very common lock, found on almost all domestic houses that have UPVC doors. One of the reasons for the wide usage is the ease with which they can be fitted and changed without the need for changing the bolt work. Whilst these locks may have multi-locking points to make them secure, it's important to realise they are all operated by the cylinder. This is by far the weakest point and if compromised all the locking points are rendered useless, Burglars are aware of this, making these types of locks an easy targets for thieves. 

How to tell if you have a euro cylinder lock fitted

If you have a UPVC, wooden, or composite door, chances are you have a euro cylinder lock. Below are some images of what euro lock cylinders fitted to doors look like to help you identify.

How do you prevent lock snapping?

The best way to prevent lock snapping is to upgrade your euro lock cylinder to a more current model, designed to protect the inner mechanism so that even if your locks are snapped, your home stays secure as the locking mechanism isn’t exposed.

What are the best anti-snap locks?

There are currently lots of great anti-snap locks on the market, many of which our expert locksmiths would highly recommend. Whilst it is true that not all locks are the same, and some hold better security than others, a crucial consideration when upgrading your locks is that they cannot be snapped or manipulated quickly or quietly.

Protect your home and loved ones this festive period, get in contact with our expert locksmiths to discuss installing a replacement lock and stop burglars in their tracks this Christmas.


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