Worst appliances to leave on standby: a guide by go assist

Save energy & reduce electricity by avoiding standby power usage. Our experts at Go Assist are here to help highlight the worst culprits, including televisions, gadgets, & kitchen appliances.

In the midst of an ongoing energy crisis and rising electricity costs, it has become essential for UK homeowners to be mindful of their energy consumption. While we're often aware of the energy drain caused by leaving lights on standby, many other appliances, gadgets, and electronics quietly consume electricity when left in standby mode.

we believe in helping you reduce your energy consumption and save money, so our experts have put together their findings highlighting some of the worst culprits that contribute to unnecessary energy usage when left on standby, empowering you to make informed choices.


Televisions are common fixtures in our homes, and leaving them on standby can result in significant energy wastage. Modern televisions often have features like instant-on and standby power modes, which allow them to power up quickly. However, these features consume standby power continuously, leading to unnecessary electricity consumption. To minimize energy usage, it's best to switch off your television completely when not in use.

Set-Top boxes and media devices

Devices such as 'Chromecast', satellite set-top boxes like 'sky', streaming devices, and game consoles are notorious for consuming energy while on standby. These devices often remain in a semi-active state to enable quick startup or to receive updates. To curb their energy usage, consider using power strips with built-in switches to completely power down these devices when not in use. Alternatively, check if your devices have an energy-saving mode that reduces power consumption during standby.

Computer add-ons

Peripherals like computer monitors, printers, scanners, and external hard drives can consume significant energy when left on standby. Ensure that you power them off or unplug them when not in use. Many modern devices have power-saving features that automatically enter sleep mode when idle for a certain period, reducing energy consumption. Adjust the settings of your peripherals to optimize their energy usage.

Chargers and power adapters

We often forget to unplug chargers and power adapters once our devices are fully charged. Even when not connected to a device, these chargers continue to draw a small amount of power when plugged in. Make it a habit to unplug chargers and power adapters from the socket once you've finished charging your devices to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

Kitchen appliances

While we tend to associate standby power usage with gadgets and electronics, certain kitchen appliances can also contribute to energy wastage. Appliances like coffee makers, toasters, microwaves, and electric ovens often have standby modes or clocks that keep running, using up energy. Consider unplugging these appliances when not in use or use energy-saving power strips to control their standby power usage.

Audio equipment

Home audio systems, speakers, and amplifiers can consume considerable power when left on standby. Many audio devices have standby modes to provide quick access to music and other features. To minimize energy usage, switch off these devices when not in use or invest in energy-efficient models that consume less power during standby.

Reducing energy consumption and saving money on electricity bills requires us to be mindful of the appliances and electronics we leave on standby. By identifying the worst culprits and taking appropriate actions, such as completely powering off devices or unplugging them, we can significantly reduce standby power usage. At Go Assist, we encourage you to adopt energy-saving practices to combat the energy crisis and make a positive impact on the environment.

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